The mission to unify and overcome

Below are links to inspirational media we love. Check back often, more to come. Salud!

Una colección of
good books

As a Man Thinketh | James Allen

Allen give us a practical guide to mastering our thoughts and therefore mastering our surroundings. Explore

The Alchemist | Paulo Coelho

A journey of discovery, self awareness, and becoming one with the energy of the universe. Explore

Meditations | Marcus Aurelius

A classic Stoic read, written as a personal journal more than 2000 years ago. Explore

Toltec Wisdom Series | Don Miguel Ruiz

Ruiz gives us four easy to digest “agreements” to be made with yourself to live a well adjusted life. Explore

We all have our struggles. We all have our wins. Share one of yours with us and the Living Con Todo communidad and have your name entered in a monthly drawing for fun stuff.